Nehemiah was an Old Testament character who left his comfort zone to return home to rebuild his community, the walls were broken down and the gates were burnt. Nehemiah is made up of compassionate individuals who are concerned about our children, our elderly, and the disadvantaged. We have a mind to work and a heart to serve. We know its cheaper and makes more sense to train and teach a young boy or girl than to fix a grown adult, we also believe that it is never to late to begin again, and that God is a God of a second chance.
The Nehemiah Center is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit faith based organization that recognizes and responds proactively to the needs and conditions affecting our communities. Empowered to serve, our mission is to be an avenue for economic, social, physical and spiritual development, enriching the lives of people in our communities, cities, counties, state and nation.
The Nehemiah Center will strive to feed the hungry, repair the broken, teach the uneducated, mentor those who come from a challenged background and train the unlearned, the at risk, a skill that will help them become self-sufficient and productive members of society. We realize that our children are our future and we are willing to contribute our resources, skills and time to empower them for the next generation. We will not forget the disadvantaged, the disabled or the elderly. We do what we do because we know that it could easily be us in need. We are indeed our brothers' and sisters' keeper.